Pia's BIG DREAM for single empty nester women over 40
French poet Anatole France said,
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”
My big dream is to contribute to the global conversation aimed at showing single empty-nester women over 40 that looking/feeling younger & losing weight is not the answer to successful aging.
I’m determined to do that by following the urging of Higher Self wisdom & sharing what sparks joy in me; inspiring others to follow their inner joy.
The first step in my plan is to let go of getting caught up in over thinking the illusory fear based head chatter, usually triggered by comparing my current situation with others and then worrying about how to change my situation.
I have found that 'letting go' is not effortful, it doesn't happen through analyzing, challenging or manipulating my experience.
Instead, an ease of experience arises through settling into a state of equanimity and loving gracious acceptance of my imperfection; and letting the momentary self doubt float pass.
Being OK with all my fleeting feelings, knowing a fresh insight is a moment away & that I don't have to freak out trying to change my experience; is at the core of living a life guided by innate wellbeing & joy.
It really is as simple as choosing to not continue disturbing your current experience with past hurts and future worries.
How do you show up kindly for yourself when feeling off balance?
🌟 Drop a comment if you want help with breaking the habit of overthinking so that you can hear & follow your innate wisdom