We are not broken & don't need fixing

We are not broken & don't need fixing

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Today I responded to a woman about her experience of perimenopause, brain function, ADHD & brain injury.

Having my own experience of neurodiversity, I shared with her my non-medical view on whole person wellbeing & thought you might benefit from it too, after all brain fog is one of the common complaints of peri-menopuase.

Now peri to post menopause is not a pathology that needs curing but it is an issue of whole person well- being and a warning indicator if we are not living from our innate resilience.

I said to her:

What I have found over the decades of dealing with Western medicine is that unless we are talking emergency surgery - it is next to useless for addressing systemic, metabolic, chronic issues of whole person wellness & completely disregards that our healing power is more than flesh & blood.

So I have spent the last 30 years looking elsewhere for ways to enhance my innate wellbeing from the hopeful perspective of regeneration rather than the pathological Western medicine lens.

So all forms of neurodiversity & health in general do well with not being labelled as a problem to fix or medicate, and by not seeing it as degenerative or permanent.

The brain, body and every cell is by nature regenerative & self healing

Our Spirit, just like the Universe is expanding & growing indefinitely.

So at our core we are geared toward wellness, what gets in the way is the fear based story in our heads (personal & collective) that much of our systems & structures are designed upon.

With out pathologizing & medicalizing our experience of physical wellness, I suggest looking at healthful & joyful activities that help bolster innate regeneration

- sleep

- laughter

- playful spirit & actions

-following your good feeling thinking

-saying YES to the inner wisdom nudges pointing you to joy

-ignoring all fear-based messaging from TV, online, experts, family & friends. Not fight it just ignore if something triggers you into unpleasant feeling thoughts.

- joyful movement

- joyful eating

- vitamins & supplements that are shown to help brain function

- body identical HRT is known to help the hormonal aspect of brain fog & cognitive issues of perimenopause

- yoga, meditation, acupuncture, Reiki have all helped me over the years

- big one is being easy on yourself & learn how lack of sleep, anxiety, illness etc impact your cognitive ability; cut yourself some slack.

Sometimes we can't avoid shit happening & so show up the best way we can & screw being perfect or worrying how it looks to others.

Screw worrying about making mistakes - everything can be fixed one way or another.

I also have no problem saying NO if I don't feel like doing some thing. No exuses needed.

Living in a joyfully wisdom guided way is the key to resilience, well-being & contentment; all of which are innate & ever present. Sometimes we just need a reminder of where to look ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

โšœ Cackling Crones Collective monthly membership is designed to provide a wisdom inspired container that promotes these ideas of whole person well being & wisdom guided joy within a supportive community

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