In this Instagram age of perfectionism, where we only see the glossy finished product, trying to sell us on the false belief that there is ever an endpoint to the process of living. Lifestyle gurus selling us on a complete and neat as a pin, artistically eccentric or heart-stoppingly adventurous outcome that you can achieve too, if you just do X, Y, Z. Promising you a carefree life, dripping in Bling and living in far-flung exotic locales, living in the best body and with the perfect partner. They try to sell you on a mirage, they try to convince you that now having done X, Y, Z that you will be fully in charge, fearless, blissful, and the creator of your own fabulous destiny.

Of course, this is attractive, and it is understandable that you might get convinced that you need it and that they can help you get it... whatever that 'it' is.

But I am here to paint you a different picture... an imperfect picture, one that is incomplete and still under construction. An imperfect picture of a woman whose perfect Mind enables her to handle all of life’s uncertainties with calm, clarity, and contentment.

So rather than focus on a sparkly finished product, I aim to support women in their creative, courageous, and imperfect process of living.

I, like most people, once believed that if everything on the outside was better then I would be happier; so I focused on trying to change my condition through the use of my intellect, believing that the outcome was from my thought-created efforts. This is what all the previously stated Instagram illusions are having you believe. That if you change your situation, your appearance, and your mindset then you will get X, Y, and Z on offer.

Fast-forward to today, as I ponder on what it is that I aim to support women like you and me with; it is NOT about the outcome. I make no promises about achieving some level of success resulting in you being stress-free, always happy, and permanently rich.

But, having realized the TRUTH of experience from the Three Principles Paradigm perspective, my process of living this uncertain and imperfect life has taken me out of my overthinking head and instead has propelled me heart-wisdom forward.

The implication of realizing the Inside-out paradigm in my life has me experiencing serenity, patience, and hope in the face of difficulties and uncertainty. I am able to realize the essential good in all people and not take personally the imperfect emotional displays of others. I can now be kinder to myself when I get stuck in my ego thinking and feel emotionally out of balance. I no longer fear my experience because I know it will pass.

Do I still get confused? Hurt? Angry? Scared?

YES! But, I no longer fear being consumed by these emotions and I know they do not tell me anything about the outside world or anything important about my essential self.



You are a POWERFUL  woman (cis & Trans) &/or an AFAB non-binary individual over 40 who has courageously overcome trials and embraced growth opportunities.

You are a human-Being ready to take the lessons you have learned and to move forward releasing your ego thinking and embracing the universe of possibilities awaiting you in the present moment with access to your heart-centered wisdom.

You’re ready to prioritize your dreams and desires, and no longer make excuses for remaining stuck in habitual thinking that causes feelings of disappointment, fear, resentment, guilt, shame & anger.

You’re ready and willing to invest in creating your radiant future in your wisdom-guided present.

When you choose to Joy Reboot your Mid Life with me I will be consistently, lovingly & with utmost certainty, be pointing you back to your already existent joyful wisdom.

You are not broken & nothing needs fixing

The Mentor (Me):

I am a 3 Principles Practitioner & Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor, intuitively guiding women & AFAB non-binary individuals over 40 to ditch their regrets, age disgracefully, & quit being unwilling bystanders in their lives.

By using my unique AWAKEN the joy within™️ framework, and supported by a diverse selection of energetic & embodiment tools; I aim to encourage women & AFAB non-binary individuals over 40 to embrace their inner Crone Wisdom so that they can take aligned action & joy reboot their crowning stage of womanhood.

As a Crone Life Joy Reboot Mentor, I will not be joining you in trauma talk, I will not be commiserating with you on the crappy material circumstances that distract you from tapping into the present moment. I won't be reinforcing the mainstream misunderstanding of where feelings come from by agreeing to your stories that 'so & so' person made you feel or 'such & such' event caused you to feel - and thus looking to fix/control them.

I will be guiding you to AWAKEN the joy within™️, encouraging you to quieten the head chatter and follow your ever present inner wisdom compass.

And, I will be cheering you on as you choose to prioritize your GOOD FEELING THOUGHTS