You Can't Think Your Way Out Of Procrastination

You Can't Think Your Way Out Of Procrastination

Have you ever felt frozen with fear and worry about an important task you need to get done that you end up distracting yourself with a 6 hour Netflix binge? 😳

I have found that when I see that the task is not the problem, but rather it is the catastrophic, earth shattering importance that I am placing on the outcome of the task that is causing me to procrastinate.

Inside -Out Parasigm research says that ease comes to us when we realize the implication that our feelings do not come in response to people, situations or things; but in response to the story we tell ourselves about external phenomena.

There was a time when I most definitely suffered the feeling immobilized by fear and pressure, that avoiding deciding and taking action was the path of least resistance. For a short time, until the guilt and frustration at myself kicked in.

Now, I can see that my suffering was coming from the story in my head about the task needing to be done and by all the expectations I placed on my self regarding the outcome.

Since gaining my Back to the Fitra Certification in the Inside-Out Paradigm I am able to see that when you get out of the past and future thinking, then you are free to be in the present centred wisdom space; where God guides us from.

Do you want to step into 2020 with fearless action❓

Today I want to invite you to join my Essential Awakening Mastermind where I will show you that when ego catastrophizing kicks in, that it is possible to acknowledge it with compassion, remind yourself that what is yours will never miss you and be confident in the promise that you have all you need right now, to take action.

Book today and get my January special offer:

🎉💡1ST MONTH FREE (limited time offer)

🗓 We will start Saturday, January 25th, 7:30am AEST (Friday evenings/afternoons for my UK, US, CANADA women) and meet Fortnightly in ZOOM ( replays will be available)

✅ Book Here:

Living in the Shadows

Living in the Shadows

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