Essential Awakening Mentoring

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The Skinny on Body Positivity

❓Have you ever felt that no matter how many body positive affirmations you say looking in the mirror, that you still have an outburst at your body for appearing displeasing to you in some way? Does that outburst make you think you're not only a failure at having the perfect body but now a failure at being grateful for what you have?

πŸ’‘ I found that with this growing body positivity awareness movement based on the premise that 'we become what we think' and that 'our personal thoughts have power to shape matter .. including our fat cells'. That we are falling into a trap of believing that we create our world and manifest our existence. This kind of thinking is actually a kind of shirk AND it the effect of encouraging us to guilt and shame ourselves for HAVING AN UNPOSITIVE THOUGHT about our bodies.

πŸ“šInside-out Paradigm research tells us that personal thoughts pop in our heads without our control and those thoughts give rise to a feeling which directs our behaviour. We have at least 15 random personal thoughts a second.. but it is only the thoughts we grab onto and run with that define our experience of self and others. Lying underneath the ebb and flow of personal thought and feeling is the pool of our Universal Wisdom (Fitra) that connects us to the rest of the Universe and to God.

πŸ’ƒ Since trying to conquer the final frontier of loving this body staring back at me in the mirror and photos, sometimes I still slip up and think/speak negatively to my body; which then sends me into a superstitious panic that my fat cells will have just gone into overdrive due to may failure to manifest a permanently positive energy.

I was sitting in the dentist waiting room reading an Inside-Out Paradigm book and the penny dropped.

It is ALL THOUGHT... the original body loathing,the positive affirmations and the guilt laden superstition that a failed ethereal positivity is sending all my efforts crashing to earth.

And guess what?! That is totally OK in fact it is normal. We will get stuck in our thinking (positive or negative ) and other times we will experience the flow of life beyond personal life.

My personal thoughts are NOT in control of my fat cells.. or anything for that matter.
My personal thoughts do not connect me to the universal pool of creative wisdom that we are all connected to..

It is my UNIVERSAL WISDOM MIND that has the power to create. Not my personal thoughts.

All that happens when we are stuck in personal thoughts is that we lose access to our UNIVERSAL WISDOM MIND.

So that momentary lapse in body positivity was just that, monetary and not worth building a story around. It passed, move on!

Alhamdulillah πŸŽ‰

πŸ—“ Today I would love to share with you my simple 5 step guide to Inner Peace.

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5 step guide to Inner Peace πŸŒ» and learn to not fear your thoughts and feelings

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