Essential Awakening Mentoring

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At the beginning of 2017, I started the year with my first LIVE interview with Suraya Sara (Mindful Soul Academy) and my topic was "5 signs to tell if you are in a toxic marriage". The inspiration for this conversation came from the fact that I had lived through 2 toxic marriages, the last being as a new Muslim brought with it an added layer of disillusionment. Seeing that I was among a large number of converts having had or currently experiencing totally unIslamic marriages; I felt the calling to reach out and help sisters keep their Faith in the face of abuse. When you are filled with fear, you look outside yourself for warning signs, a logical conclusion to make when you are like 80% of people who believe their painful feelings are a direct response to the people and events in their lives. When you misattribute the cause of your feelings as coming from outside, then looking for signs (JUST LIKE I DID) would appear to be a good strategy to avoid getting tangled up with another abuser.

โŒ BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE Since completing my BACK TO THE FITRA certification in the Inside-Out Paradigm I came to realize the truth of our experience.

โœด We are living in the feelings of our thinking at that moment 100% of the time.

๐Ÿค” So how does this relate to avoiding toxic marriages ?

๐Ÿ’กWell it means that the only sign you need to look at is INSIDE YOU! It does not matter what a guy is doing or not doing, their behaviour does not create your feelings. Only the story you tell yourself about their behaviour causes your feelings.

๐Ÿ”” Instead of wasting your time and energy trying to figure out another person (which you will never succeed at doing, because we all have separate realities); it is time you look to your innate inner wisdom for the signs.

๐ŸŒˆ When we follow God's universal command of "do no harm to self and others", when we embrace the truth that "what is meant for us will come" and that we "have all we need within to handle anything". Then we are able to easily set our boundaries and respectfully refuse anything less than God's commanded treatment.

๐Ÿ’ƒ With this hopefilled, patient, loving and trustfilled mindset, we are no longer reacting fearfully and responding out of desperation. We are able to forgive ourselves and others with ease, because we all share this mistaken perception about the causes of our experience. And from this wisdom space we find that looking for warning signs along the road becomes irrelevant because our internal navigation system is plugged into God's compass and by dropping the overthinking we are able to tune in to our innate inner wisdom.

๐ŸŽ‰ If you want support with shifting the focus in your life, join me in 2020 for

๐Ÿ’ก ESSENTIAL AWAKENING MASTERMIND We will start Saturday, January 25th, 7:30 am AEST (Friday evenings/afternoons for my UK, US, CANADA women) and meet Fortnightly in ZOOM ( replays will be available)

โœ… Book Here: