Who is Corderlia Gaffar?
About Cordelia Gaffer
Cordelia Gaffar is an international best-selling published author, speaker, Certified in Sports Nutrition, hostess of the Replenish Me show, a former corporate accountant and mom of 6. She helps women to heal by building a system of self-nurturing nourishing with wholesome food, energizing with movement and reframing her perspective with sweet talk ultimately eliminating the cause of her health conditions and detox her body. After the birth of her second child, she sought medical attention for postpartum depression and extreme weight gain which led to her studies in nutrition, exercise, and mindset. In less than a year, she lost over 60 pounds and regained clarity and joy. With that transformation, it became her mission to hone that superpower and help women to do the same. Recent speaker in the ME First Ramadan Summit, Parent Empowerment Summit and in July at the She-EO conference on life, love and business.
You can contact Cordelia through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cordelia.gaffar?ref=br_tf
Website: http://cordeliagaffar.com/