Conversations with Cordelia Gaffar

Conversations with Cordelia Gaffar

As part of my program “5 tips to help new Muslimahs focus on being fabulous post-divorce’ I will be chatting with Cordelia Gaffar about 3 of these 5 essential tips:

1. Self-compassion and sweet talking yourself through a toxic relationship, exploring how to show yourself kindness when dealing with a toxic relationship. 

2. Taking ownership of your life, health and well being and how this is essential to creating the fabulous future you are dreaming about.

3. Reclaiming your passion and finding your true purpose in life.

So join me for the first topic of this series of FACEBOOK LIVE
“Conversations with Cordelia Gaffar” 

Sweet Talking Yourself Through a Toxic Relationship.

Saturday, August 4th, at 8 am AEST
[ Friday 3rd August, 6pm EDT]

Who is Corderlia Gaffar?

Who is Corderlia Gaffar?

New Muslimah Focusing On Being Fabulous Post-Divorce

New Muslimah Focusing On Being Fabulous Post-Divorce