The making of Zahra Summayah and New Muslimah Coaching

The making of Zahra Summayah and New Muslimah Coaching


Salam Sisters 😘

Jummah Mubarak 💖

I wanted to tell you a bit about myself, my name is Zahra Summayah I am the Founder of Manifesting Muslimah, a New Muslimah Coaching Service. 
My aim is to empower and inspire New Muslimahs ( converts and born-again Muslimahs) who are wanting to confidently claim their Muslim identity and define all aspects of their lives by their devotion to pleasing Allah (swt). So that they can hold firmly to their Deen with confidence, get closer to Allah (swt) and thrive in all areas of their lives. 

I am a convert since 2011 with degrees in Psychology and I had a private practice in Grief Counseling. 
I have spent my life seeking to spiritually explain my existence, born to a Christian family I converted to Tibetan Buddhism in 1998. So my leap into Islam was via Rumi and being drawn to the practical and spiritual healing aspects of Islamic theology. It turns out Salat is a form of Yoga 😁.

It seems both my major Faith conversions came equipped with abusive marriages, a brilliant bunny that dies just before leaving said marriages and divorce. Oh and both husbands telling me I did not have what it took to delve into the esoteric paths of Buddhism or Tasawuff (Islamic spirituality), interestingly both men were totally undisciplined. 

So basically I have taken my informal study and practice of Islamic Spirituality; in combination with my training to overcome the loss from chronic ill health, life altering impact of incurring major head injury, toxic marriages, miscarriages and divorce; and using the lessons from these losses and trials to strengthen my Faith convictions and practice.

I want to take all I have learned to help other New Muslimahs navigate the challenges of standing by their Faith choice, particularly in times of trials. 

It is through my spiritual practice and honoring the Universal Right to be treated with kindness and dignity; that I found the courage and strength to set boundaries and take action to remove myself from abuse, so that I could manifest my God –given purpose and thrive. 

As a New Muslimah coach I aim to inspire, empower and celebrate our Deen with Muslimahs so that they can thrive in all areas of their lives; having Allah (swt) as the focus.

We Muslimahs have a duty to God to express our gratitude for creating us in the image of His perfection. And that starts with not letting anyone abuse or oppress us, particularly ourselves and our negative self-talk and unhealthy behaviours. 

Coaching is less about dwelling in the past hurt and more about manifesting your marvelous self through lessons learned, self-enhancing choices and positive life fulfilling action; all with the pleasure of Allah (swt) as the focus. 

Manifesting Muslimah coaching is best suited to Muslimahs who are ready to give themselves the permission to move forward, putting Allah (swt) as their focus and all their energy into dream building, planning and activating the best lives they can for the sake of Allah (swt) 👑💕

I am looking forward to inviting you to "Courageously stand by your Faith convictions" and go on a 7 step Iman boosting journey with me during the Me First Summit

My interview airs Day 3 Wednesday Feb 21




Manifesting Muslimah Motto:

Manifesting Muslimah Motto: