Essential Awakening Mentoring

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My Musings on the hadith "The best of men are best to their wives"

 have been pondering the central importance of this hadith - it is not just for the household it is for the whole world - it is the key to everything.

"The best of men are those best to their wife". Muslim men need to stop compartmentalizing the behaviour of their mates, colleagues, and leaders. That a man treats his wife in the best manner is the central measure of a man - and if a man degrades the wife who is a trust from Allah (swt) then do not expect that same man to uphold best in all other areas of life.

Take a look at every despot, every oppressor, every liar, every kind of unreliable man - and if he is married - look to his treatment of his wife - and there you have the cause, the answer, and the solution.

Our society has it backward, if you do not raise a boy to be a man that makes it his mission to treat his wife well out of fear of Allah (swt) then do not expect that same man to act with honour in any other area of his life.

And watch if you have raised a son to make it his main focus to be the 'best of men to his wife' - then you will see him be the best of men in every other area.

Islam is ALL about the dignity and best treatment of women.