Essential Awakening Mentoring

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Dwelling on the past suspends us in time and prevents us from healing.

We must balance our need to playback and understand events with life’s requirement to go forth and begin again. Once we perform the full excavation of painful memories, define them, and redefine them, it’s time to move on. Continuing to live the pain, place blame, and allow ourselves to be victims of these memories (or in worst cases, keep speaking of them to friends and family) causes us to stagnate and lose sight of our ability to create any experience we want in the present that doesn’t have to be colored by the past.

The damage caused by dedicating too much time and energy to past dramas is far-reaching:

  •  People don’t want to be around us.
  • We lose your ability to see the current blessings in our life. We draw more negative energies to us.
  • The pain of our past keeps us emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically unwell.
  • We take energy away from necessary life pursuits and are unable to grow.
  • We disempower ourselves from improving our experience of life.
  • Our vibe is negative and we are often angry, sad, depressed, and unable to connect with the good things life has to offer in any self-sustaining way.

    Healing comes from gathering wisdom from past actions and letting go of the pain that the education cost you.