3 Tips For Success
Clear Intention | Alignment with Soul Gifts | Right Action
1. Be mindful of the reason for an activity – from making a cup of tea to closing a million dollar business deal. Are you making that cup of tea or closing that business deal from a space of kindness, mercy, and gratitude? Good flows from good!
Start with Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem – remember that all we do must be pleasing to God
2. When we are grateful to God we get to be in tune with the gifts and skills He gave us. Maybe your gift is the ability to listen fully to others, maybe your skill is the ability to assimilate information to find the root lessons, maybe your skill is to nurture and serve the needs of those around you. Whatever your gift, success comes from aligning your life to use these gifts. If you are not sure what your gifts are – look at what you are passionate about, what you like to do the most or ask those who know you well and observe you regularly.
3. Take right action – our pure intentions result in pure action – before action double check your intention (what you are telling yourself as justification for acting) is still in line with what pleases God – rooted in kindness, gratitude, mercy, honesty, and humility.
These 3 steps will lead to success in your daily life, but more importantly, lead to success in the Hereafter.